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Fear Free is a series of training protocols for veterinary professionals, trainers and pet owners on the reduction of fear, anxiety and stress in pets.

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Our Fear-Free Certified Team

At Madeira Park Veterinary Hospital, every member of our team is Fear-Free certified, ensuring that we provide the highest level of care with the least amount of stress for your pets.

Our dedicated staff use their specialized training to create a calm and comforting environment for every visit.

Fear-Free certification equips our team with techniques to minimize the stress, anxiety, and fear often associated with veterinary visits. By implementing these methods, we aim to make each visit a positive experience for your pets.

Acupuncture, Madeira Park

Meet our Staff

Our veterinary staff have worked diligently to become Fear-Free certified and to apply these techniques consistently. They are committed to practicing Fear-Free and low-stress methods in all interactions with our beloved patients, ensuring that every visit is as pleasant and stress-free as possible.

Meet Our Team

Fear-Free Techniques

At Madeira Park Veterinary Hospital, we are dedicated to reducing stress, anxiety, and fear in our patients while delivering the highest quality medical care. To improve your pet's experience, we:

  • Provide treats, Kongs, mats, and hiding spaces.
  • Allow cats to stay in their carriers and dogs to sit on their family's laps.
  • Administer pre-visit medications when necessary.
  • Modify our handling techniques to be as gentle and stress-free as possible.

Our entire staff has worked diligently to become Fear-Free certified, showcasing their commitment to exceptional veterinary care. 

We believe your pet will greatly benefit from our Fear-Free approach.

How We Implement Fear Free

We work with our patients and their owners to undertake the following steps before and during each appointment:

  • Good Communication Between Pets & People

    We begin by understanding and identifying how pets communicate signs of stress, which can include subtle signals like tense expressions or more obvious ones like growling or hissing.

    We discuss known stressors with the pet's owner, such as sounds, scents, or unfamiliar people, to better manage these during visits.

  • Planning Ahead

    An anxiety-free veterinary appointment starts at home. If your pet gets stressed going to the vet, let us know. We can provide suggestions and possibly send supplements or medications to help reduce stress. For pets stressed by the lobby or meeting new people or animals, we can arrange for you to wait in the car or an outside area and come directly into the exam room.

    Acclimate cats and small dogs to their carriers ahead of time by leaving the carrier out with toys and bedding. For larger dogs, use an approved restraint device in the car and keep the drive calm.

  • A Calm, Quiet Environment

    At our office, we strive to keep the atmosphere calm and quiet. Cats and dogs are kept separate as much as possible, and our team remains calm and speaks in quiet voices during appointments.

  • Treats & Toys

    Families can stay with their pets during most procedures. Our staff will guide you on how to participate to lower your pet’s stress and ensure everyone's safety.

  • Pet Owner Involvement

    Families are allowed to be with their pets during procedures (excluding sedation, anesthesia, X-rays and while the hospital is closed). The staff will direct families on how they can play a part in their pet's treatment to ensure lower stress for the animal and to keep staff and family safe during the procedure.

  • Sedation & Restraint Options

    For necessary restraint, our trained staff may use towels, muzzles, or Elizabethan collars. Mild sedatives might be recommended for particularly anxious pets. In some cases, procedures may be rescheduled to send medications home first.

  • Fear-Free Overnight Stays

    During overnight stays, we minimize stress by controlling smells and loud noises, using calming pheromone diffusers, soft music, or white noise, and keeping lights low. Pets are given soft bedding and hiding places. Movements within the hospital are done slowly and calmly, and mild sedatives or anti-anxiety medications may be used to reduce stress.

New Patients Welcome

Whether you are just passing through or have lived here for years, our team at Madeira Park Veterinary Hospital would love to get to know you and your furry friend. Call today to book your pet's first appointment.

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